Baltimore Family Photographer - Karson & Mommy

Karson, sweet boy, how I have enjoyed watching you grow!!

I first met Karson in the NICU, when I took photos for Mother's Day earlier this year. He was such a tiny wee baby back then. He is 8 months old now! (Adjusted to 5 months for growth and development.) And although he may still look small to most people, to me and probably most preemie moms, this handsome guy is so big now! He also has some amazingly long, crisscrossing lashes.

Karson's birth story is a terrifying one. At just 24 weeks into her pregnancy, Karson's mom was diagnosed with eclampsia after suffering a seizure. She was told her organs were shutting down. To save her life, Karson had to be delivered by an emergency C-section. 

Being a micro-preemie (born at 28 weeks or less), Karson had a long road in the NICU, which involved a couple of surgeries. But his magnificent mama was there every step of the way, showering him with neverending love. 

This traumatic birth experience, and having to leave a hospital without her precious baby boy for 157 days, practically turned this mama into Superwoman. She now welcomes all the sleepless nights and messes as blessings, because her baby boy is finally home for her to hold and kiss whenever she wants. 

Sadly, Daddy couldn't make it to our photo session, so it turned out to be a Karson & Mommy session. But these photos were taken at a very special place, where Mommy told Daddy she was pregnant with Karson. Thank you so much, to the friendly staff at Weber's Cider Mill Farm, for letting us wander around and take these special photos. 

That little pumpkin you see in these photos, not Karson but the one he's holding, that pumpkin weighs Karson's exact birth weight. Mama searched and weighed little pumpkins to find one that weighed just 1 pound, 4 ounces. The most perfect little pumpkin in the patch. 

The end of this session was our favorite. We were about to part ways, walking to our cars, and decided to take just a few more photos with the sun setting in the background. Mama raised her baby boy up and gave him a big smooch. Then, when she brought him back down, Karson returned the love with a little smooch of his own. ♥



Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Parkville Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Parkville Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session. Baltimore Maryland family lifestyle photos with KarsonBaltimore Family Photographer | Karson and MommyThis is a photo with Karson and his mommy during their family session.




Heather Siverd Photography
Thank you so much, Gail. ♥ They are both amazing.
Gail Litz(non-registered)
Absolutely beautiful photos. Love Amber and Karson
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